Parents must Assertively Challenge these Sexuality lies - Sexy Teen Pussy

Parents can reinforce holistic sexual learning in their homes by watching almost any TV show with their son or daughter. Invariably, the message for a woman is in order to succeed, she must use her body. That is how she is recognized, receives attention, moves ahead with her friends, and gets ahead in the world of work.

This is an example of a social lie that is embedded in every network and cable sitcom, in hip hop music, and in every magazine read by young women. Boys and young also men receive false messages from all the informational sources around them which regularly and strongly indicate that the way males succeed or achieve is through the use of power, force, or wealth. This is also a lie.

With every opportunity, parents must assertively challenge these sexuality lies, these untruths about body image, gender and social role, and replace them with the truth. The fundamental truth is that girls and boys succeed by using their brain not their body; they succeed not by their physical appearance or strength but by the strength of their character and their moral core. Parents need to communicate with their children about the truth and then reinforce it daily with a living, authentic example.

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